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KAHRAMAA: Msheireb Downtown Doha uses district cooling through two district cooling plants with a cooling capacity of 31,000 RT

The district cooling system in Msheireb is the most sustainable and energy efficient and designed for modern cities

A team of engineers from KAHRAMAA’s District Cooling Services Department, headed by Eng. Abdulaziz Al Hammadi, Director of the District Cooling Services Department, visited Msheireb Downtown Doha (MDD) to monitor the performance of district cooling plants operating at MDD. The team visited the second cooling plant and examined the extent of its compliance to the instructions and stipulations of the District Cooling Code and Key Performance Indicators. 

MDD is a smart city that adopts the latest sustainability technologies and energy-saving systems. It uses district cooling to cool all building and facilities in the city, and this system is the most appropriate for modern and sustainable cities given its economic and environmental importance for the state and society. 

MDD has two central district cooling plants with a total cooling capacity of 31,000 RT operated via an integrated network that supplies cool air to all buildings and facilities using a control and monitoring system that links all buildings to the two main cooling stations, which ensures high energy performance, continuity, reliability and reduced maintenance and operating costs. The plants use treated water through an additional purification plant that increases the quality of treated water contributing to the provision of potable desalinated water and the sustainability of water sources in the country. 

KAHRAMAA has urged all developers and investors to adopt district cooling in their projects as it is the most energy efficient system providing approximately 40% of electricity and around 98% of potable water when using treated water, compared with conventional cooling systems.

KAHRAMAA is also working to enhance water security in the State of Qatar by switching to the use of treated wastewater as a suitable and available alternative to the use of potable water in all district cooling plants, taking advantage of the best sustainable system in the region. KAHRAMAA also uses intelligent monitoring and control systems that provide high energy performance, and the District Cooling Services Department works with all district cooling providers in Qatar to improve district cooling systems, to ensure efficient use of resources and to attain significant benefits for the state and society.

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